When is the optimal time for cord clamping and what happens with the cord blood? Understand how a baby first takes a breath! The first half of this video goes into detail about what happens in a baby’s body that allows them to breathe. Having this not-as-commonly-known knowledge will assist you to make an informed […]
Category: Labor Techniques
Labor Techniques cover different techniques used during labor. Whether looking for more information on what the specifics are of different techniques, or looking for how to use specific techniques, this is the category to search. Dubai had a community of great practitioners that will help you through your journey.
Dad and Doula Birth Team Video
A doula can greatly enhance the effectiveness of Daddy in the birth room. Learn more in this short video.
Waterbirth Explained
Waterbirth Explained Waterbirth is when a baby is born into a pool of water. Some women will labor in a pool, but not deliver the baby in the water; this is “water immersion” and a type of hydrotherapy. So what happens when a baby is born in the water? Why is this a method of […]
Hypnobirthing Explained: Fear and its affect on the body’s ability for a pain free birth
Hypnobirthing Explained Hypnobirthing is a coping technique for labor. It revolves around relaxing the body and being free of fear so a woman’s body will release the natural hormones that are most effective with controlling pain. “Contemporary women in our culture hold an unprecedented fear of giving birth, too often associating it with excruciating pain, […]