When is the optimal time for cord clamping and what happens with the cord blood? Understand how a baby first takes a breath! The first half of this video goes into detail about what happens in a baby’s body that allows them to breathe. Having this not-as-commonly-known knowledge will assist you to make an informed […]
Category: Doula Care
Doula care covers different aspects of what doulas do and how they assist before, during and after giving birth.
Dad and Doula Birth Team Video
A doula can greatly enhance the effectiveness of Daddy in the birth room. Learn more in this short video.
Virtual Doula Video
A virtual doula prepares you and your birth partner in advance of the birth and provides support during the birth through phone, messages or video.
VBAC Tips Video
A quick ( <7 minutes) video with advice on preparing for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). The video covers some VBAC tips like the importance of your birth team, what to research and how to mentally prepare. As mentioned in the video, it’s so important to do research! Many resources are listed in this post on […]
Why your Doula isn’t your Advocate
So why I wanted a doula myself was to have an advocate. That was before I became a doula and learned that’s not really part of a doula’s job. It was surprising even to me because that’s always listed as part of what a doula does, they’re your advocate! What’s true is we are your […]
What is Pain and how a Doula helps Decrease Pain
How a doula helps decrease pain. Pain is felt physically, it may be acute and sharp varying to dull and achy. During labor, it is perceived pain will usually be present during uterine contractions. There may also be positions causing extra pressure in different areas of the body that may cause pain. It is feasible […]
Role and Benefits of a Doula
Benefits of a Doula Role of Doula during Labor and Delivery A doula is trained to make you the most comfortable and knowledgeable you can be during your journey of pregnancy and birth. During labor a doula will stay with you providing support in any and all ways that will assist with an easier birthing […]