Learn four easy ways to support a breastfeeding mom in this short video. List of other Delta Strength Doula videos can be found here. Visit the Delta Doula youtube channel here.
Tag: Dubai Doula
Dad and Doula Birth Team Video
A doula can greatly enhance the effectiveness of Daddy in the birth room. Learn more in this short video.
Postpartum Plan Video
A short video to explain what a postpartum plan is and why you may want one. Do you have a postpartum plan for what happens when you come home with a new baby? Planning for the transition after birth is as important as planning for the birth. The more that can be arranged in advance […]
Virtual Doula Video
A virtual doula prepares you and your birth partner in advance of the birth and provides support during the birth through phone, messages or video.
VBAC Tips Video
A quick ( <7 minutes) video with advice on preparing for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). The video covers some VBAC tips like the importance of your birth team, what to research and how to mentally prepare. As mentioned in the video, it’s so important to do research! Many resources are listed in this post on […]
Why your Doula isn’t your Advocate
So why I wanted a doula myself was to have an advocate. That was before I became a doula and learned that’s not really part of a doula’s job. It was surprising even to me because that’s always listed as part of what a doula does, they’re your advocate! What’s true is we are your […]
VBAC: What are my options in Dubai
After just leaving a successful VBAC twins birth this morning I thought it’s about time I write about VBAC options in general seeing as how every birth I’ve attended thus far happens to have been a VBAC. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) has been conversation piece in the birth world for a while. Some doctors […]
Waterbirth Explained
Waterbirth Explained Waterbirth is when a baby is born into a pool of water. Some women will labor in a pool, but not deliver the baby in the water; this is “water immersion” and a type of hydrotherapy. So what happens when a baby is born in the water? Why is this a method of […]
What is Pain and how a Doula helps Decrease Pain
How a doula helps decrease pain. Pain is felt physically, it may be acute and sharp varying to dull and achy. During labor, it is perceived pain will usually be present during uterine contractions. There may also be positions causing extra pressure in different areas of the body that may cause pain. It is feasible […]
Hypnobirthing Explained: Fear and its affect on the body’s ability for a pain free birth
Hypnobirthing Explained Hypnobirthing is a coping technique for labor. It revolves around relaxing the body and being free of fear so a woman’s body will release the natural hormones that are most effective with controlling pain. “Contemporary women in our culture hold an unprecedented fear of giving birth, too often associating it with excruciating pain, […]